A Very Comfy Christmas

3 girls and a son-in-law

3 girls and a son-in-law

Ever since our girls were little they have been allowed to open one present on Christmas Eve. And every year it’s the same thing, matching pajamas, or jammies as we call them. Since our oldest turned 27 last April suffice to say, that’s a lot of flannel. But while some may look at the whole ‘matching jammies’ as a fun and frivolous tradition I have come to the sentimental realization that it means so much more than just dressing alike one day out of the year. Christmas day is a laid back event in our home since the night before is spent hosting over 30 family members. We relish every minute of the noise and chaos. But by the next day, when it’s just us, we are happy to simply open presents, indulge in a hearty breakfast, play games, watch movies and finish up last night’s leftovers. All the while never bothering to change out of our newly acquired sleepwear. Unlike the night before, we relish every minute of the peace and calm, because my husband and I know that as our girls get older it’s becoming increasingly difficult to gather all of us to the same place at the same time. Like everyone, our days are consumed by work, school, obligations and the general minutia of daily life. But on Christmas day, as I take mental snapshots of those I love the most I am reminded that no matter how disparate the majority of our time may be spent we are a family, cut from the same cloth. As we begin 2016, I wish you and your family a year of ‘matching jammies’ moments.